To my christian brethren; white weddings no be by force!

 Some Nigerians would do anything for an expensive talk of the town marriage ceremony and for christian folks, its the white wedding ( church wedding ) that crowns it all. But my dear, you see white wedding, no be a must at all so don't allow anyone put you under pressure.  Not too long ago a popular bishop in Port Harcourt told youths at his conference that " if they hadn't done Gods wedding, they shouldn't  consummate  the marriage" and beloved that is premium rubbish in all cap letters! if i may ask, what is God's wedding ?  a union blessed in the church ? must i marry in the church ? so all unions done before the birth of  christ are unholy ? because church came to be only after jesus christ died and so to tell me that even after receiving the blessings of both parents and after fulfilling traditional demands in the name of God, having sex with my spouse is still fornication because we haven't done "church wedding" is just you expressing pointlessness. 

Although lots of people are married in the bible, there are no descriptions of any ceremonies. Adam and Eve were married simply by the fact that they were made for each other and so they procreated. Jesus attended a wedding in cana which consist of a family party but no ceremony is described. The only thing closest to a ceremony in the bible is Tobit 7:12-14 " in which a father places the hand of ..............." the reason why there are no marriage ceremony in the bible is because marriage in the bible simply consist of a man and woman with the consent of the woman's father|guardian, living together and attempting procreation. 

This is quite different from how we define and enact marriages today. But these are all recent innovations. for most of human history, marriage has simply been an agreement recognized or arranged by the immediate family, for a man and woman to live together.  And so for someone to actually brainwash you that your traditional marriages are inferior to white weddings is you dealing with insecurities and having daddy issues because your not done with being colonized.  

The white wedding is the white man's traditional wedding! and so its stupidity to have two traditional weddings. one wearing your African attire and the other wearing suits and gowns. 

Do not be deceived, the church had no business with joining two people together  until 1563 when the catholic church required marriages to be officiated by a priest, and the Anglican church in 1753. 

So yes, excommunicating couples from church because they didn't marry in the church is not Christianity, telling married people they can't have sex until they marry in the church is you lying! stop frustrating young people with all these dogmas and doctrines, they are so 15th century. 



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